For his birthday Stevie got what he wanted most—a real, grown-up hammer and a tool apron his mother made him. He hadn’t told anyone about the nail he’d found in a drawer of his father’s toolbox—at least, not the whole story. He’d heard it jingle when he opened the drawer—and this is what it seemed to say: “I’m a very important nail—and I’ve got better things to do than hang around in some old toolbox. All I need is someone to hammer me in straight and true.”

So, the morning after his birthday, Stevie put on his tool apron with a loop for his hammer and a pocket for the very important nail—and added some smaller nails in case it needed help. Then he set out down the street to find something important for that nail to do.

“Make sure you ask for permission first!” his dad called after him.

“And remember not to run with your hammer!” called his mom.

So Stevie waved to show that he’d heard.

He hadn’t gone very far when he spotted a flier with the picture of a parrot. It was tacked to a telephone pole. “Lost,” it said. “Oh, no!” he thought sadly, remembering how he’d felt when his horny toad ran away. And though he scanned the treetops for a flash of bright wings, all he saw was a scolding bluejay.

So he turned on his heel, about to walk away, when he heard the very important nail start to jingle in his pocket as though it had something important to say. “Wow! You’re right!” cried Stevie after a moment of thought. “That flier could come loose and blow away. Then whoever found the parrot wouldn’t know who it belonged to! This could be just the job for us.” So he checked to make sure the flier was tacked down tight—and it wasn’t until he was satisfied that he went on his way.

In Parker Carter’s front yard, Parker’s dog Peewee lay outside his doghouse, trying madly to scratch a flea behind his ear.

“Here, I’ll scratch it for you,” said Stevie helpfully, and he did such a good job that Peewee licked his hands. Then Stevie gave Peewee a pat—and the doghouse, too, because he liked its red shingles.

But when he turned on his heel, about to walk away, he heard the very important nail start to jingle in his pocket again and this is what he thought it was saying: “What if a shingle came loose? That roof could leak…”

”And poor Peewee would get soaked in the very next rain!” cried Stevie. “Maybe this is just the job for us.” So he checked out all the shingles to make sure none were loose, and it wasn’t until he was satisfied that he went on his way.

Next he passed Mr. Malarky’s house. Mr. Malarky loved flowers and grew them everywhere, even in fancy pots on a shelf under his window. There were pansies and petunias and things Stevie couldn’t pronounce. Stevie stood on his tiptoes, trying to smell them—but even though his mom insisted he was growing like a weed, he still couldn’t quite reach. So he turned to the irises beside him, instead, which smelled pretty good if you sniffed them hard enough.

Then he turned on his heel, about to walk away, when he heard the very important nail start to jingle in his pocket again. “What if that shelf came loose?” it seemed to say.

“Why, all the pots of flowers would fall and smash to pieces!” cried Stevie. “Maybe this is the job we’ve been looking for!” So he checked the shelf to make sure it wasn’t loose, and it wasn’t until he was satisfied that he went on his way.

When he passed Holly Hotchkins’ house, he stopped to watch a chattering squirrel perched on the third step to Holly’s treehouse.

“Catch me if you can!” it taunted Catkins, Holly’s old tomcat, who was crouching on the ground. Stevie knew the squirrel was too fast for Catkins, but Catkins never seemed to remember this, though he’d chased that squirrel enough times.

So Stevie waited until Catkins sprang, and the squirrel shot like an arrow to the top of the tree, then laughed down at them—because now Catkins was hanging onto a treehouse step, afraid to go up or down because his old claws weren’t very sharp any more. So Stevie lifted Catkins gently down and set him on the grass.

“Why don’t you chase snails instead?” he suggested. “They aren’t so hard to catch.”

He’d turned on his heel, about to walk away, when he heard the very important nail start to jingle in his pocket. “What if that step came loose?” he could have sworn it said.

“Oh, my gosh!” gasped Stevie. “Holly could slip and fall—and break an arm or a leg!” So he double-checked the step to make sure it wasn’t loose, and it wasn’t until he was satisfied that he went on his way.

On and on he walked, until he started to feel hungry and began to wonder what was for lunch. Still, he wasn’t ready to give up and go home. When he came to a house he’d never seen before—because he’d never walked this far—he pressed his face against the old picket fence and peered into the backyard. There in the grass he saw a rabbit and five baby bunnies hopping all around. They were so cute that for a moment he forgot all about the very important nail and finding something important for it to do.

When he finally remembered, he sighed, because now he was too hungry to go any farther. He’d just turned on his heel to head for home when he heard the very important nail start to jingle in his pocket. “What if a fence board came loose?” he was quite sure it was saying.

“Yeah, those bunnies could get out and run into the street and get hit by a car!” cried Stevie, forgetting all about lunch. And the very next moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something squeeze through the fence. In a flash, he darted over and scooped up a little black and white bunny. A board had come loose and left a gap in the fence, just like the very important nail had warned him.

Then the front door opened and Stevie recognized Fanny Farthing from school. She had cute golden freckles and a purple mouth, from the grape popsicle she was holding.

Soon the whole family had gathered to hear about the rescue. “How can we ever thank you?” said Fanny’s mom.

“Would you like to take that bunny home when it’s old enough?” Fanny asked shyly.

“Would I!” Stevie grinned, his eyes lighting up. “But I’ll have to ask my mom and dad first.”

“I guess I’d better go fix that fence,” said Mr. Farthing.

“I can do it,” Stevie offered, and he felt his heart pounding as he reached into his apron pocket for the very important nail.

So this is the job for us, he thought, to fix that fence and keep those bunnies safe! And though he didn’t say it out loud, the nail rolled into his hand as if it understood.

Then everybody bent down to watch while Stevie knelt down before that loose fence board and, with his new hammer, drove in the very important nail, straight and true.




“Cameron, aging painting instructor and chairman, was debonair and chatty, adept at drawing you unwittingly into his little conspiracies against whomever he happened to be annoyed with.

“Miriam, art historian, was diminutive, brittle, and emphatic. She went around with the air of controlled ill-temper of someone whose shoes pinch. She had a snug cap of fair hair and a hooked nose—and Seely found her intimidating, except during faculty meetings, when she had a lot of sandwich between her teeth. Seely supposed she’d resented having had to play second fiddle in the Art History Department for years, so now that the first fiddle was on sabbatical, she was stridently determined to be heard.

“Marcus, at 40, was the enfant terrible of the department—shy, foulmouthed, antic, volatile. He wore purple sneakers, played in a rock band, and was Cameron’s unruly protégé. He ducked his head and his eyes darted in all directions but yours in a conversation, and he was a terrific art snob now that his photographs were exhibited the best museums.

“George was the invisible sculptor. An indifferent artist and teacher, people said, he blinked naively behind lenses that doubled the size of his eyes, looking forever like some innocuous alien. No one seemed able to muster much feeling about him one way or the other, except occasional outrage that he had tenure.”

This Art Department provided my initiation into the world of office politics. The first time I realized what I was up against was when a distinguished Italian sculptor came to the college to give a series of lectures. Because he’d been invited by George, without the approval of the rest of the faculty, they treated this aging dignitary with studied coldness. (Before he left, he graciously gave me an original etching for my help.) I don’t know that I would have chosen to stay on if I hadn’t managed to convince myself that as a lowly secretary, I could fly beneath the radar, clear of faculty’s squabbles and intrigues. What I didn’t know until the end of my first semester there was that I’d been on an administration higher-up’s radar screen the whole time.

No less than the Vice President of the college had set out to get me fired. This was a political move, I eventually figured out. The clericals’ union had set down some guidelines—not requirements, though the VP pretended they were—for level-three secretaries, including that they be able to type 65 words a minute. Now that the shop steward had resigned, the Vice President hoped to create turmoil wherever he could, spuriously blaming the union, so they would be voted out. When I finally understood what was going on, I appealed to Local 29, which intervened on my behalf, sending a representative to meet with the Vice President. I don’t know what they said to him, but they saved my job—and a couple of years later I learned, to my secret satisfaction, that the Vice President himself was fired.

As much as I’d like to believe in karma as a mechanism for justice from one incarnation the next, I can’t quite firm up the conviction, but what I can believe—what I’ve witnessed time and time again—is karma at work in this life.




Barbara, a client of my mother’s, was leaving her position as secretary of the Art Department at Tiburon College and put in a good word for me when I applied for the job. I’d been living hand-to-mouth on minimum wage—doing everything from wok demonstrations (slinging fried rice) at Handyman and Sears to housekeeping gigs that involved chores like washing windows in the rain—so I had every digit crossed on the way to my interview. When I took the typing test, however, my hands shook so badly I couldn’t even keep them on the right row of keys. After the timer went off, I saw I’d invented a new alphabet with a large smattering of numerals, more impenetrable even than Russian. I collapsed on the lawn in front of the administration building and cried. But a week later I found out that Cameron had hired me anyway. “Actually, there isn’t all that much typing to do,” he told me later in person with an airy wave of his clawed hand.




He was an elderly man with long, protruding ears that looked rather spectacularly pink with the sun shining through them. A few strands of hair were combed across his barren head from far left to far right, and the pale bristly goatee that encircled his mouth reminded Seely of a vegetable brush. He also had, she noticed with some alarm, a huge black, witchy thumbnail that he was using as a letter opener.

“So! You’re interested in Barbara’s position?” he began in an aggrieved tone, as though she were responsible for Barbara’s leaving. She saw or guessed that he was irritated by the necessity of meeting with her—that he simply wanted the perfect secretary delivered to him and considered having to select her himself a bother and an imposition. After a fussy little gesture over the paisley scarf he wore around his neck, he leaned forward with a sigh of resignation and sank his chin in his hand, apparently waiting for Seely to conduct her own interview. She blinked and gulped, inadvertently grabbing her stomach, where her panic had landed. Then she began, in an admirably calm and measured voice, which only cracked twice, to do just that.

“You’re probably wondering about my qualifications…”




“Last night we celebrated Carolyn’s birthday—three ailing females, languishing on the mattress-sofa, swapping flu germs—while Steve, her boyfriend, served us dinner.

“’Well, you’ve got three choices,’ he announced. ‘B & M beans, boiled hot dogs, or canned spaghetti.’ Then he brought out a platter of chicken in a cream and wine sauce.

“‘You know, a camper horned in on our campsite late last night,’ said Carolyn.

“’Yeah, they woke us up playing reveille,’ said Steve.

“’They caroused and yelled, ‘Kill the commies’—and kept us awake all night long. Steve and I huddled in our tent plotting our revenge.’

“’You should have put tacks under their wheels,’ suggested Susan.

“’But that would have been tactless,’ shrugged Steve.

“’Why not peanut butter in their carburetor…or tomato juice in their fuel tank?’ I offered.

“’What?’ cried, Carolyn. ‘And waste all that food?’

“When Steve finally brought out the birthday cake—with chocolate frosting and candy sprinkles—Carolyn tried to blow out the candles with a hair dryer for Steve’s sake, so he wouldn’t get sick too, but accidentally yanked it out of the wall and missed the last two candles. So much for birthday wishes.”


Living with two artists, as I’ve said, was a revelation to me. Until I met them, I hadn’t realized how stimulating creative people could be, which made me feel for the first time that maybe I had something to offer as well. Until then I’d imagined that, not being supremely intellectual—which was my father’s standard—I couldn’t expect to be interesting and engaging to anyone else.




About the time I joined the Sierra Club Singles, I began to write some of my autobiographical vignettes in the third person, imagining that I would eventually develop them into short stories or a novel. I named my protagonist Seely, short for Selena, meaning “moon.” (Originally, I was going to call her Celie, for Celine, until I discovered it meant “blind”—not so inappropo after all, as events would prove.)

It was a misty morning at Barnacle Beach. Seely felt ridiculously overdressed in her heavy down jacket and ponderous backpack, straggling behind hikers in jogging shorts, their only encumbrance the Nikes strung around their necks. She had come prepared for any weather, her pockets stuffed with mittens and earmuffs. At the moment, however, she wore a broad-brimmed, floppy straw hat which the kleptomaniac wind kept trying to swipe off her head; she had to pull it so far down over her eyebrows to secure it that she could only see a few feet in front of her, unless she craned her head back, which she did until she got a painful crick.

A roly-poly man named Jason, who had squarish teeth with great gaps between them—his smile reminded her of washcloths strung out on a clothesline—escorted her along the water line. He told her he was an insurance loss-prevention agent.

“I go to construction sites—” he began.

“And stand below and catch anyone who falls off?” Seely suggested.

“No, actually, I have a net,” he grinned.

After a short distance they came to a huge jag of rock that angled down into the water and blocked their path. It was steep and unscalable, so there was nothing to be done but dash around it during the ebb of a wave. Seely, who had rolled her jeans up to her thighs and tied her bulky jacket around her waist, made a concerted scramble, but emerged with soggy cuffs and jacket tails.

On the other side, the cliff was eroded to form enormous columns, like a vast set of organ pipes. The two of them clambered up the bank and squeezed themselves into the hollows between the pillars, which were perfectly round, covered with moss, and tunneled up fifty feet. Jason had some difficulty prying himself out again, but, thanks to Seely’s calm cliffside manner, didn’t get unduly alarmed about his predicament.

Everywhere across the sand, bits of scarlet seaweed were strewn like autumn leaves. Seely found a long, rubbery piece of seaweed that looked like a donkey’s tail. When she brandished it like a whip, Jason roared, “If you hit me with that, I’ll yell for kelp!” Just then, a particularly wily wave ambushed them from the side and sent them tumbling over each other to escape its foamy clutches.




“Last night, coming back from disco class with Susan, I yelled on the top landing that it was hopeless—I was never going to find a job I liked—and I dived halfway out the open window, flailing my arms and leg (the other foot planted firmly on the ground).

“’I’m going to end it all,’ I wailed.

“’You can’t do that yet!’ Susan cried, dragging me back by the coattails. ‘You haven’t paid your part of the phone bill!’


“This evening, outside my window, I hear the sounds of the city showering—the first time since I moved to Berkeley. Nearer at hand, I fancy a bird inhabits the rain gutter, it chirps so musically with trickling water at the corner beyond my desk. I have an unimpeded view, across several back lots, of a neighbor watching TV with his feet propped up on something on the one…two…three…seventh floor. Mornings I see him doing push-ups, his head bobbing rhythmically above the projection of his balcony, like something in a carnival target-shoot booth. Singing gaily, I dress in front of him, hoping that, despite the distance, he can still distinguish my secondary sex characteristics. Who knows? Maybe if I sing loud and long enough, he’ll buy opera glasses.”




As I mention earlier in Callie’s Ragbag, I was in my twenties when I wandered into a shop, searching for books for my classroom, and happened upon Where the Wild Things Are. When I got to the last line, it went right through me—whomp!—hit bedrock. I had to stand there awhile, fighting back tears, trying to compose myself. That was the moment, I’ve always known, that my wish to write children’s books took root. Some time later—weeks?…months?… I sat down with a pencil, munched on the end of it a while—but couldn’t come up with a single idea. “Eventually,” as I wrote in my long bio, “I concluded that I couldn’t write fiction and turned to journaling instead, imagining that maybe I could become a diarist like Anais Nin—though without a famous paramour like Henry Miller, I had my doubts that anyone would ever read my work.”

Now as I cast around in my mind for more ways to earn a living, I came up with the idea of teaching a mini-course I’d call “The Journal as Art.” As an experiment, I advertised it in the Bay Guardian as free 4-week course—and attracted a handful of students, only to find that it wasn’t a comfortable fit for me because I was too insecure about my own opinions to edit and critique other people’s work. But Vitalee, a newly arrived New Yorker—who’d just broken up with the boyfriend she’d traveled across the country with—became a new (and now old) friend and a month later, along with my roommate Susan, we were taking disco dancing lessons together.




“An experiment. It’s too hot in the house to do anything but sweat, so I’ve turned amphibian and made bath water my element. I’m presently squatting in the tub with my typewriter on a board and my hair in a shower cap to keep it off my neck.

“Today was a bummer. I went to a certain office in the City to look over listings for civil service jobs. I was toting a wool coat (though the temperature in Berkeley was 90 degrees, I was prepared for any exigency), a pastrami sandwich (will the mayonnaise spoil in the heat and poison me?), and a jumbo sketch pad (the only paper I could find). Once in the City, I drove in dazed circles for an indeterminate amount of time around the appointed block—parking lot prices having shorted out my circuits.

“’One hundred’ was lettered across the entrance of the building I sought. I passed a futuristic arrangement of lights suspended from the ceiling in the lobby and took the elevator for floors 10-18. The floor numbers lit up dimly in a little black window over the buttons as they do on computerized cash registers. I mention this because it took me only half a minute to notice this—and they call me a slow study! On the eleventh floor I got out and stared down blank corridors.

“When I took the elevator down again two hours later, I felt as deflated as a popped balloon—job titles I couldn’t decipher, entailing responsibilities I couldn’t fathom, conveying a tedium that numbed my mind to contemplate.”




Lafayette is all of fifteen minutes from Berkeley on the freeway, but being on the other side of the East Bay hills, it might as well be the ends of the earth—no one will come to visit you. Consequently, I felt like I was living a peripheral existence—in exile, if you will. So, after I lost my job at Sofabed Warehouse, I moved back to Berkeley, back into the thick of things. I took an apartment on Hillegass Street with two artists—Susan, a graphic designer who free-lanced for Levi-Strauss, and Carolyn, who made fabulous costumes and “did” the historical fairs.

My bedroom was a long, narrow sun porch, facing the bay, with a solid bank of windows on three sides.



“Last night I dreamed I came down with mononucleosis and had a mumps-like swelling of the neck. Consequently, the first few hours of the morning I couldn’t quite shake the residual notion that I was ill—and dragged myself around listlessly.

“In the early afternoon Carolyn found me in the kitchen, trying to pry the lid off a Schiller’s spice can with a screwdriver. The thing popped off suddenly, discharging curry powder all over my lap. Carolyn laid down some newspaper, which I carefully sidled onto and beat the ocher stain from my jeans. Then, mounted on a chair, she went spelunking in the spice cupboard while, with a note pad, I chronicled her discoveries.

“While my egg was boiling, I played two games of backgammon with myself, allying myself with white and losing both times.

“Before Meredith arrived to see my new place, I took down the clothesline I had strung up on the far side of my bedroom last week and razed and carted off the tower of boxes I’d left there since the day I moved in. Afterwards I stared around my room at the orderly files of colored folders, freshly laundered rug, dainty new underwear, folded and ready to be put in the dresser I didn’t own yet—and felt overawed by the tidiness of things.”