“There are persons, for instance, whom we find indulging to their heart’s content in prospects of immortality; and there are others who experience the greatest difficulty in making such a notion seem real to themselves at all. These latter persons are tied to...
While my father had no fear of death, I did—though I’ve come to realize that it could be more accurately described as a death “despair.” And I know the exact day in my life that it began—Valentine’s Day of my fateful sixth-grade year. By then I knew two children who’d...
I’d never taken pictures of magnolia trees before, though there are a number of them with low-hanging branches on my route to the pool. I bought my little Sony partly because I wanted a camera that could handle low-light situations. Even so…
Above is another of Kathy’s entries in my Bluebird autograph book after we’d learned cursive. It’s written so lightly on a blue page that I had to use Photoshop to make it legible. As I wrote in “Cheater, Cheater…” in the fifth grade I…
It occurred to me the other day, when I saw the first daffodils of the new year in a neighbor’s yard, that I could post my Neighborhood Gardens photos on my blog in the order they bloom throughout the spring and summer. So here is…
In the spring after I turned ten, Bev and Gus sold the duplex on Raymond to Davona and Lou, a young couple with a baby named Thayer. I wanted to post a sketch I did of Thayer above—the last portrait I would draw for a number of years—but I couldn’t find it it anywhere. I do remember seeing it only months ago, so maybe I threw it away. In any case, Davona and Lou evicted us in short order, and we had to move across the Park. They claimed they were planning to renovate, but I seem to remember…